
Topics of Interest

Teenagers & Abortion - Clark, Charles S. "Teenagers and Abortion." CQ Researcher Plus Archive. SAGE Publications, 5 July 1991. Web. 1 Nov. 2011. .

This article is about the debate of whether or not parents should be involved when a teen decides to choose abortion. Many politicians that support abortion rights also favor the idea of parental involvement. Others believe that parental involvement can force young girls to resort to illegal abortions due to fear of abuse from the family.
My personal belief is that if a girl decides to have an abortion under the age of 18 years old she should notify at least one parent. The parent should not be able to force their child to have an abortion, but should only give or not give their consent if the child decides she does want an abortion. I feel that this will help the girl think more clearly when she has a parent/guardian helping them with decisions like this.

Eating Disorders - Prah, Pamela M. "Eating Disorders: Is Societal Pressure to Be Thin to Blame?" CQ Researcher Plus Archive. SAGE Publications, 10 Feb. 2006. Web. 3 Nov. 2011. .

This article discusses eating disorders such as anorexia and bulemia. It covers everything from celebrity and social media influences to what the disorders actually are and how many people suffer from them and so much more. One issue it covered that really made me think was that some insurance groups won't cover anorexia or bulemia as serious disorders. The article told the story of a family whose daughter committed suicide after finding out the insurance would not pay the bills for the hospital treatment for her anorexia. The daughter thought she was a burden to her family and killed herself.
I feel that insurance should be listing anorexia and bulemia as high priority diseases especially since anorexia has one of the highest mortality rates of all mental disorders. I think that these disorders should be taken more seriously because it is something that affects a large percentage of people. These disorders are not necessarily self-inflicted. It can be something that stems biologically or from a trauma or major life experience/change that the person had happen to them.

Food Safety - "Food Safety." Current Issues: Macmillian Social Science Library. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 4 Nov. 2011.

This final article is about foodborne illnesses such as salmonella and many more. It tells the reader where the various types of illnesses can be traced back to. For example, listeriosis, often associated with miscarriages and meningitis can be from eating ready-to-eat foods such as soft cheeses and hot dogs. The article also dicusses the standards that FDA uses and talks about the different food safety departments and what they monitor.
I feel that since roughly 5,000 people die a year due to foodborne illnesses that there is room for improvement when it comes to the safety of food. I think that restaurants should be more careful and organized when it comes to cleaning utensils and areas where food is stored and/or prepared. As far as the FDA and other departments go, I think that they are doing the best they can by checking meat and other products before and after slaughter and monitoring what foods come in and out of the country. I believe that foodborne illnesses are inevitable and that it would be very difficult to perfect the system, but as long as they are trying to improve it step by step I see no problem in how the government regulates food safety.

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