
Revising my Revisions

Original: As modern humans we often take things for granted. Only a couple centuries ago a pregnant woman could fill her day worrying about the child she was carrying. Infant mortality rates were very high in the early to mid-nineteenth century. According to ilt.columbia.edu, nearly 25% of all infants born died within their first year of life. Oh, but we have come a long way. We were once terrified of losing an unborn child; now we can choose if we even want it. Abortion rates have climbed since abortions first began in the 1920’s, numbers have skyrocketed. According to Wm. Robert Johnston from the Abortion Statistics and Other Data in the Johnston’s Archive, millions of abortions have been performed, hitting a huge boom between 1975 and 1996 with over a million per year. The decision of Roe v. Wade in early January of 1973 greatly impacted the choices made by women. Roe was a single pregnant woman that wanted an abortion so she challenged the constitutional laws in Texas. She won and it was decided that women had the choice of whether or not they got an abortion. Are women abusing this right?

Revised: As people living in modern society, we often take things for granted. Only a couple centuries ago pregnant women could fill their days worrying about their unborn children. Infant mortality rates were at an all time high in the early to mid-nineteenth century. According to ilt.columbia.edu, nearly 25% of all infants born died within their first year of life. We have come a long way since those sad times, but have we gone in the wrong direction? Women used to stress over if the child they were carrying would live. They now think about if they want the child inside them to live. Since abortions began in the 1920's, the rates of procedures have grown. According to Wm. Robert Johnston from the Abortion Statistics and Other Data in the Johnston’s Archive, millions of abortions have been performed, hitting a huge boom between 1975 and 1996 with over a million per year. Even though abortion is still opposed by many, it has come to be a more acceptable solution when it comes to dealing with unwanted pregnancies. Many pregnant teens are actually pushed to choose abortion by their own parents. This should not be considered a solution when there are alternatives like adoption and early prevention such as the use of contraceptives. Abortion is an irresponsible and unsafe procedure that can be avoided and should not be used for the "correction" of a "mistake."

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