

The issue of this radio piece was to investigate how much students at Penn State actually drink. In 2009, we were voted the #1 Party School in the U.S. This sparked lots of interest for many and so journalists came to see what really went on in State College after dark.

I feel that the audience is very diverse. This piece could be for students to show them how it effects the people living in the area. It could also be interesting for local business owners, residents, and just about anyone who lives in a college town or who is interested in the "#1 Party School."

The broadcast interviews different groups such as the students, local residents, business owners, and alumni. Many of the students interviewed, if not all of them, are drunk at the time and are asked questions about what they were doing and what typically happens when they go out. They encountered a couple male students that had stolen a stop sign out of a nearby corner. When they interviewed they local residents and business owners most of them talked about what crazy things students have done like sleeping in their houses and peeing in their yards. Business provided tips when it comes to dry cleaning and delivering food, especially hot wings. The journalists also interview Penn State alumni and, surprisingly, they are a fan of the drinking. Some consider it a form of entertainment and most partake themselves.

By the end of the report, the journalists conclude that the amount that students drink will not decrease. Students and staff are well aware of how much is being consumed and that there have been alcohol related deaths in the past such as the case of Joe Dado in 2005 where a male freshman fell to his death in an outside stairwell when walking home alone from a night of partying. Penn State promotes safe drinking over abstinence and student know that they should stay with friends to stay safe.

The broadcast featured clips of speeches that Graham Spanier spoke about PSU being voted the #1 Party School. He said that the students get online and vote and when Penn State students want to be voted #1, he has to clean up the mess. Since Spanier started at Penn State, he has preached about drinking. This sparked controversy, so he has been preaching less, but still promotes safe drinking.

I personally loved this piece. I actually sat down and just listened to it from start to finish. I loved how we heard from different people and they each had their own group to interview. My favorite part was when they asked the two male students where they got the stop sign and when they said that the found it the host told them that they didn't need to know their names they said, "In that case we got it from over there." Priceless. I loved the comic side of the story, but I also liked when they got down to it and talked about the serious consequences that come when drinking so heavily. I feel that the journalists covered just about every aspect. I loved their use of anecdotes and facts. I feel that this broadcast was put together very well and targeted multiple audiences and kept the interest of the listeners. I wouldn't change a thing about this piece. It was by far my favorite and I thought everything flowed well together.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, thanks for thorough analysis and I'm so pleased you enjoyed the piece! It always draws passionate love/hate lines in the classroom. Looking forward to hearing more from you during our Monday discussion!
