
Compare & Contrast: Water Bottles

It's a hot summer day and you stop at a convenience store on your way to the beach. Your mouth now feels like the Sahara and your body is sweating worse than it ever has. You're parched and the only thing that will satisfy you is water. Once you get to the cooler in the back you see many different types of water. What catches your eye looks like an oasis in the desert and in big letters across the front, it says FIJI. Fiji water comes in an interesting bottle. It is rectangular and on the inside, there is a picture of jungle leaves and a pretty, pink flower. The rectangular shape makes for a modern and possibly more "high end" look. When you look at the picture through the other side of the bottle it relaxes you. You imagine yourself in a tropical paradise being doted on and fed fruits by the water while being fanned with large palm tree leaves. Not only does Fiji water quench my thirst, but it takes me to a place where I can only dream to go. It is not only a water bottle, it is a teleportation device to Fantasy Island.

Now imagine that you're in the same situation. You reach into the frosty cooler and the water bottle you grab now is completely different. This time you grasp a cylindrical bottle. Running up the side of the bottle you see the word VOSS in big, spaced out letters. Voss water has a simple, yet appealing design. This cylinder shaped bottle has a much simpler design than that of the Fiji water bottle. Voss has no image displayed inside the bottle, it has really no color at all. It is a clear, tall bottle with a silver colored cap and lettering. Voss's water bottle also gives it a modern, almost futuristic, look. It's rounded shape makes it easier and less awkward to hold in your hand. When you look at a Voss water bottle it also has more of a "high end" look than that of any other ordinary water bottle. The height of the bottle alone makes it appear to be a nearly endless supply of pure H2O. Everything about this bottle makes it an easy choice when it comes to replenishing your thirst. It's height, simple colors and shape all make it a water bottle worthy of being chosen.

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